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Lynn v. Sekulow
Lynn v. Sekulow
Christmas Displays are Constitutional
Jay Sekulow
Barry, the First Amendment does not require the government to strip the public arena of references to holidays that the vast majority of Americans observe. In the Rhode Island case you referred to, the Supreme Court noted that “[i]t would be ironic . . . if the inclusion of a single symbol of a…
No Nativity Scenes=No Atheist Signs=OK By Me
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
In my view, there is an inherent flaw in all of these religious holiday display cases ever since the Supreme Court allowed the city of Pawtucket, Rhode Island to put up as part of its “official” display a Nativity scene along with secular symbols including Santa, reindeer, and the ever popular Yuletide “blue bears”. According to…
Nativity Scenes and Atheist Signs
Jay Sekulow
Barry, we should not expand federal or state reporting requirements for churches that support or oppose legislation/ initiatives, just as we should not continue the gag rule on political speech from the pulpit. On a different note, you’ve probably heard about the controversy in Olympia, Washington surrounding a sign from the Freedom From Religion…
Transparency Needed In Proposition 8 Battle
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
We obviously disagree fundamentally about the role of the courts in dealing with issues where fundamental rights (like marriage and equal protection) are at stake. The “will” of the voters does not trump such rights and the courts exist to uphold them against just such a tyranny of the majority. I’m also afraid, Jay, that…
Proposition 8: Respecting the Will of the People
Jay Sekulow
Barry, contested issues of public policy, such as the definition of marriage, should be settled at the ballot box, not through violence or the actions of activist judges. It is unfortunate that you would try to link the defense of traditional marriage with isolated acts of violence, just as it is unfortunate that some opponents…
PROPOSITION 8: Pernicious and Perhaps Gone
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
I have been in the San Francisco area for several days. My trip coincided with the thirtieth anniversary of the assassination of Harvey Milk. The atmosphere would have been somber simply about that, but it was poisoned even more by the passage of Proposition 8, the reprehensible “amendment” to the California constitution that sought to…
Under the Magnifying Glass
Jay Sekulow
Barry, you are right on target. It is certainly up to President-elect Obama and his wife to make the best decision possible for the education of their two daughters. This is a private, family matter. But, as we both know, the media is anxious to make a story where there is none. There’s no secret…
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
According to the Washington Post, President-elect Obama has decided to send his two daughters to the Sidwell Friends School. This is a wise decision. Earlier in the week both the Post and syndicated columnist Cal Thomas had editorialized that he should send the children to the District’s public schools. The pundits were arguing that to…
Government Can Craft Its Own Message
Jay Sekulow
Barry, the reason that you had “many moments of doubt” during the argument is that the Pleasant Grove City v. Summum case is about the meaning of a different provision of the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech.” This case deals with the government’s authority…
Religion Does Not Equate With Politics, Economics and Culture
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Jay, I must say publicly what I told you privately after the oral argument in the Pleasant Grove City v. Summum argument. You did a very fine job. You also know, though, that I believe it was a great job defending an indefensible position. Several of the justices join you in one fundamental error: religious…
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