Lynn v. Sekulow

Barry, you can stop waiting for answers. It looks like you are just trying to put the worst-possible spin on the Values Voters Summit to detract from the serious issues of importance to evangelicals that were considered there.   I have no idea whether the remarks you claim were made were actually made there, and…

I’ve been getting more information in about last weekend’s “Values Voters” confab in Washington, the place where the “Obama Waffles” booth was located.  Speaker Star Parker referred to public schools as “cesspools” and claimed that taxing the rich was a “violation of the Scripture”.  Fox News host Sean Hannity ripped into Senator Edward Kennedy with…

There is a belief, widely shared in the Obama camp, that there is a plethora of voters out there who are dying to vote for a Democrat if they can just be convinced that he or she is truly religious.  The storyline goes that there were folks who didn’t believe Al Gore or John Kerry…

As the Presidential campaigns enter the final seven weeks before the election, it will be interesting to watch how evangelical Christians, Catholics, and other religious voters respond to the outreach efforts of both sides.   The Obama campaign has taken a page from political playbooks of the past and is now preparing to roll out…

I know you are happy about the verdict in the Teen Challenge case.  Frankly, I have never been convinced this case was really about religious discrimination.  It always seemed to me to be one more sad example of the NIMBY principle (as in “NOT IN MY BACK YARD”) often applied by communities to the location…

Metro Nashville, Tennessee has discovered a valuable lesson:  Religious discrimination is a serious charge and one that can be very costly.   We represented Teen Challenge, a Christian-based organization that provides assistance to young people dealing with addiction.  The organization wanted to build a facility on 13 acres of land it purchased in the Nashville…

We both know that law enforcement officials can investigate”fraud” without passing new laws against specific activities like reading Tarotcards.  In fact back in l944 the SupremeCourt allowed the Postal Service to investigate something called the “I Am”movement that was soliciting funds through the mail.  The Court noted, quite sensibly, that if a”religion” was actually set…

It sounds like we may agree on some points again. The government is on shaky ground when it interferes with private speech due to its content, especially when private religious speech is targeted due to government disagreement with the message conveyed.   While the prevention of actual fraud in the marketplace is certainly an important…

Jay, maybe we should take a breath from national politicsfor a few days and get local.  I live in Montgomery County, Maryland,just outside of Washington.  I was quite surprised to learn from a gueston my radio show that diviners or others who seek to forecast the future cannotobtain a business license in the county. According to…

HHS Secretary Leavitt’s explanation of his actions is, quitefrankly, mindboggling.  “Freedom ofexpression and action should not be surrendered upon the issuance of a healthcare degree,” he notes.  The real issuehas nothing to do with gaining a credential; it has everything to do withholding yourself out as a licensed health care provider to the public.  It…

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