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Lynn v. Sekulow
Lynn v. Sekulow
The Rosary – A Gang Symbol?
Jay Sekulow
Barry, With confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Kagan set to begin June 28th, we’ll soon find out how much we will learn about Supreme Court nominee Kagan. I want to turn now to a story developing in New York State. We represent a 13-year-old seventh-grade student who has been suspended by school officials for…
Kagan: Church, State and Privacy
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Jay, I too would like to get to the bottom of all this and get some answers on what Kagan’s views truly are. I am troubled by some things that I have read, and I need to know where Kagan stands on some core issues related to reproductive choice and church and state separation. Over…
What Does SCOTUS Nominee Elena Kagan Really Believe?
Jay Sekulow
Barry, I’m glad were on the same page when it comes to calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to ask probing questions of Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan at the upcoming confirmation hearings. All we’ve seen so far are these staged ‘grip-and-grin’ meetings on Capitol Hill with members of the Senate. And…
Questions for Supreme Court Nominee Elena Kagan
Jay Sekulow
Barry, The nomination of Solicitor General Elena Kagan to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens comes as no surprise. She was the leading candidate for weeks and in remarks announcing the nomination, President Obama said Kagan is “an acclaimed legal scholar with a rich understanding of constitutional law.” That’s fine. But…
Supreme Court Nominee Kagan Should Answer Tough Church-State Questions
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Jay, For once, we may actually agree on something. Because Kagan is not a judge, she lacks a clear record on church-state issues. That’s why Americans United is also calling on the Senate Judiciary Committee to fill in the picture by asking her questions about how religion and government should interact. What we do know…
Say Your Goodbyes to the Last National Day of Prayer
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Jay, I prayed today. I forgot that this was National Day of Prayer. I hope no members of Congress objected to me acting on my own and basically not giving one hoot what they thought about it. Maybe I should have filed my prayer in advance to make sure John Boehner and Mitch McConnell thought…
Legal Cloud Does Not Stop National Day of Prayer
Jay Sekulow
Barry, Even with a flawed federal district court decision declaring the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional, prayer events are taking place coast-to-coast on this National Day of Prayer – as they should. With this year’s event got more attention because of the court decision, I remain confident that the government’s appeal to the…
Security & Terrorism = SCOTUS Changes
Jay Sekulow
Barry, I understand the reasoning behind it. And, regrettably, it’s become a sign of the times. But, I can’t help but think that as a nation founded on the rule of law – and a legal system open to the public – that it is unfortunate that the nation’s highest court will no longer…
Supreme Court Sends Signal: Keep Cross Where It Is
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
A fractured Supreme Court yesterday decided to remand–or send back to the lower court–the contentious case involving a congressional “land swap” that allowed the Veterans of Foreign Wars to keep a cross up in the Mojave National Preserve. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the plurality opinion that noted that the federal district court that initially decided…
Supreme Court Gets it Right in Memorial Cross Case
Jay Sekulow
Barry, Now, this is a significant victory worth celebrating. In a very closely-watched case, the Supreme Court ruled that a World War I memorial in California’s Mojave Desert that features a memorial cross can remain in place. The high court said that the Constitution “does not require the eradication of all religious symbols…
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