Sadly, I had to miss this year’s edition of the Religious Right’s “family values” festival — the Values Voters Summit here in Washington.  I was engaging in my own celebration of family values by participating in my son’s wedding out in California.  Now that was a great event. I’ve been reading many accounts of the…

On Thursday, I blogged defending the position that the current version of the health care reform bill moving through the House does not cover abortion. I’ve tried to respond to some of the posted responses already. I’d also like to point out an interesting perspective on the issue brought up by Steve Waldman, our editor-in-chief at Beliefnet. In…

I don’t know which polls you are looking at, but it appears that there was a double digit growth in support of the President’s basic approach after he spoke to the joint session of Congress.  He also told the truth about what the healthcare plan–at least as it is moving through the House of Representatives–doesn’t…

Jay, any sensible health care reform plan is going to have to cover women’s reproductive health care more completely and equitably than the current system. We need to listen to those in the medical field as to what is the best health care package for every American, women obviously included, and follow that advice. As…

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