Jay, just a few days ago I was a participant in an event on “church politicking” at the National Press Club here in Washington.  The event was reported by your friends over at the Christian Broadcasting Network.  The focus of that afternoon was principally on whether pastors do or do not have the right to…

I think the first four people who responded to your last post claiming the cross isn’t necessarily religious are completely on the mark, particularly emphasizing that all deceased war veterans are not Christian.  I’d be happy to leave them have the last word. Moving to another topic, we now have questions being raised about a…

Yes, Jay, there will be a major battle about the Mojave National Preserve cross next term in the Supreme Court. In fact, it is really two battles in one.  The first is whether the plaintiff in this case is even able to get his complaint heard.  It has already become more difficult to obtain “standing”…

I don’t want to get into a big debate here about the value, if any, of prayer.  However, this is the National Day of Prayer, so designated by an act of Congress back in 1952.  President Obama, as required by law, signed a proclamation making it official for 2009.   He did not, however, hold any…

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