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Lynn v. Sekulow
The Two Days I Could Not Find the Real Constitution
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Jay, I couldn’t agree with you more – we should honor the Constitution every single day. Unfortunately, the past two weekends I found myself surrounded by people who don’t seem to value the Constitution as much as I do. It was quite an unpleasant experience – but I suppose what goes around comes around. You see,…
Adopt Me–But Don’t Expect Me To Rake Leaves
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
In a shift in right-wing “prayer” policy, the Liberty Counsel is now urging supporters to “adopt” a “liberal” and pray for that person to change his or her political and moral beliefs. The campaign allows people to “adopt” one of 11 named “liberals” or anybody else who might be a “liberal.” See below: I was…
My Own Family Values
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
Sadly, I had to miss this year’s edition of the Religious Right’s “family values” festival — the Values Voters Summit here in Washington. I was engaging in my own celebration of family values by participating in my son’s wedding out in California. Now that was a great event. I’ve been reading many accounts of the…
Carp, Carp, Carp: Must The Right Always Fish For Reasons To Attack Obama?
Rev. Barry W. Lynn
I’ve been out in California a few days and I’m constantly hearing people ask: “Why doesn’t the Right ever give President Obama a break?” What they mean is that literally every day the hosts of Fox News, the Drudge Report, and bloggers on your side of the fence find some new nitpicking complaint to file.…
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