person using laptop computers

What are the top 5 online dating scams? Yes friends, they are out there, online dating scams exist. People transitioned to online dating to get away from dealing with opportunistic jerks in the real world. Now we have to contend with these cyber punks on the Internet. These web based users are even worse than the crazies you meet in real life. At least you can visually “see” what you’re getting into when you meet people in the real world, but in the cyber world—oh no. All we have to go on are some well placed phrases and pictures that may or may not even be of the person you’re chatting with. Yes online dating scam artists are even more dangerous then the players and punks you meet on the street because they can create any fantasy you allow them to make. The trick is to have the same emotional walls up in the cyber world that you’d have on the real world. Here are the top five online dating scams.

  1. The friend. Have you ever talked to a really hot chick only to have her try to hook you up with her less than attractive friend? There’s people out there that will post on certain social sites asking for double dates but they don’t ask you to bring a buddy with. No it’s always “Two hot chicks looking for a cool guy”. They’ll even post a picture with two girls in it. The problem is, one girl is gorgeous and the other one is well… “she’s got a nice personality” Let’s be real, which one of those chicks do you think needs help finding a date?
  2. The liar. This type of online dating scam artist shouldn’t be qualified as evil. They are just a bunch of liars. The online liar probably really wants to meet someone, but their self esteem is so shot, that they’ll lie about themselves just for the attention. Deep down they realize that their relationships will never venture past the computer screen because of their dishonesty. This is punishment enough.
  3. She’s not real. One of the more annoying, yet obvious online dating scams is the extremely hot girl on a dating site. The picture of this chick is drop dead freaking gorgeous. This girl is bad enough to be a model, no scratch that, a SUPER model and she’s on a dating Website with us normal folks. Come on really? The online dating scam artists even have the audacity to write a cute little bio about our “perfect” girl in question. She likes long walks. She can cook and she loves to watch sports, and she doesn’t mind letting her man hang out with the guys. What!?! Do you know how rare it is to find a woman that perfect in the real world. If she did exist she wouldn’t need to be online looking for love. She’d either be married or have guys beating down her door. The worst part is when you reply to her post. About a day later you get 100 emails from pay for play dating sites.
  4. The overseas chick. This is a pretty big online dating scam. The culprit goes out to dating sites (they could be a girl or a guy) and they meet people. Sounds normal right. Wrong. They lead people on for maybe months at a time. They get folks to fall in love with them. How can you fall in love online? Anyway, they tug at people’s heartstrings then they ask for money. “Oh I’m from Croatia and I’m very very poor, but I love you… send me money.” Anything for a buck huh?
  5. The online player. These jerks are the bottom feeders of the online dating scam world. They don’t have the ability or options to be a player in real life so they create an extra persona and try to pick up girls online. How lame is that? The funny part is, their probably married, sneaking to use the family computer to flirt with women. Oh, and we can’t forget about the women. Yes women do it too. At least the online dating scam world is an equal opportunity employer right?

    How To Spot Online Dating Scams?

Find out as much as you can. Get as much information as you can that may shed light on the person’s real identity. You can utilize a trustworthy third-party sites to do a person lookup online, Google image reverse search, and even a private detective for this. Make sure to make copies of all your communications with the person.


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