Don’t you hate how sometimes nerves and thoughts get the better of you? We all go through it, doesn’t matter how confident and successful you become. This is all down to the inner wussy messing with our perception and here’s how to get rid of it, once and for all.

Psychology of the Wussy

The wussy is nothing more than an avoidant victim nice guy. Well in beliefs anyway. To understand and eliminate the inner wussy we’ll need to break it down to it’s bare bones, see it for what it really is then get rid of it. The wussy is comprised of 3 parts in my opinion, which are:

  1. Avoid – The wussy drives us towards validation and/or acceptance
  2. Victim – The wussy drives us towards no responsibility and a collection of people to feel sorry for us
  3. Nice guy – The wussy drives us towards being the ‘nice guy’. A set of beliefs which enable us to go out of our way to help in any circumstance (often by lowering themselves) and secretly believe their better than anyone.

With thew wussy broken down to it’s bare bones you can see the real face of our common enemy. It’s healthy to see problems for what they really are because now you can reject the beliefs based on knowledge. To get rid of the wussy we also need to understand the 3 types:

  1. “She’s different” wussy
  2. “I want her to like me for me” wussy
  3. “I love this one girl…” wussy

To dispel the 3 types quickly – no she’s not different, if you want her to like you for you – you’ll go months without dates and if you love that once girl who isn’t interested in you, you’ll end up obsessed. To remind myself of wussy traits I simply think of this quote, which happens to also be the title of a rather interesting book: Nice guys sleep alone.

To kill the wussy

Now that we understand the psychology and types of wussy we’re able to deliver the killing blow through re-framing and powerful beliefs:

  1. Attraction is not a choice (credit to David Deangelo)
  2. I am the power
  3. There’s enough of everything I want everywhere
  4. Nothing is real, it’s all in my mind

For me, my beliefs make the difference and believing the above beliefs will kill the inner wussy. It’s hard to hold conflicting beliefs – especially since the mind can only hold one thought at one time. The most dominant belief will win which is decided by how much you want to believe. For more, read 1 method that made me irresistible to beautiful women and remember, believe you are and you are.

I’m sure there’s plenty more beliefs floating around out there, anyone got any good ones?

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