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Make Your Relationship Work
How To Be The Center of any Group and Get more Dates
Alex Wise
By projecting the right energy, you can make a great impression. Here’s how even the shyest guy can come across as a positive, exciting party animal and get more dates. Some men seem to do this naturally – they’re always smiling, they control the conversation, they spur people into action. These men bring an infectious…
Overcoming Shyness in Dating
Alex Wise
What do you do when you’re too shy to even walk over to the woman of your dreams? Here’s how to gain the courage you need to approach her and lose your shyness forever. For men, shyness is probably the single most common problem when it comes to offline dating. That’s because if you’re too…
Champ or Chump: Top Four Myths of Pick-Up Artists
Alex Wise
The concept of being a pick-up artist – or a PUA for short – has gotten a lot attention over the last few years. There are some big names out there teaching some good stuff and are helping a lot guys have more confidence and meet more women. Unfortunately, there’s also a lot of misleading…
Learn How To Demonstrate Value
Alex Wise
How to demonstrate value? Let’s answer that in a bit. Instead let’s first answer the question why is it important to demonstrate high value? Women want to be with someone who provides the best opportunity for survival and reproduction (i.e. having kids). Guys with high value show these qualities. Back in caveman day the alpha…
Align Your Thoughts and Your Results Will Follow
Alex Wise
Are you feeling overdrawn, energetically burned out, or drained? Do you feel burdened, resentful, or taken advantage of? The fact is our inner world creates our outer world. As difficult as it is to hear, we are too conscious to be victims. We have too much awareness to stay stuck. What we are consciously or…
How (and Why) to Add Exercise to Your Relationship
Alex Wise
The couple who works out together…stays together? While this isn’t quite a guarantee, it’s not a stretch. As relationships progress, the behavior of both people in the couple tend to mirror each other – and this includes health habits. In fact, a WowFit study of 5,000 married couples found that when the husband was healthy…
The Key Ingredient of Inner-Game
Alex Wise
Your inner-game is the most crucial of all aspects when it comes to meeting and attracting women. I have never shared these insights with anyone before, as they are pretty personal to me. I’m only letting them out now because a close friend of mine convinced me that it would help guys to get to…
The Qualities That Attract Girls
Alex Wise
When it comes to the qualities that attract girls there are 4 main qualities that you need to demonstrate in order to attract girls. According to online survey conducted by Lovestruck, ladies find a guy’s personality much more important than his physical attractiveness. So when it comes to attracting girls you need to remember to demonstrate these…
Does Getting Into Shape Help You With Women
Alex Wise
If you read lots of articles by PUA Gurus then you will know that looks are not the most important factor when it comes to attracting women. Things such as confidence, gift of the gab, value, etc are so much more important.However I still believe that one factor of your looks can make a big…
How to Pick Up Girls at the Gym
Alex Wise
Recently, I’ve been living by the motto “go big or go home.” It has worked on a number of levels, including at the gym. Twice-weekly sessions with a personal trainer and running are slowly transforming my body into a toned, fitter physique. I’ve also noticed that the gym – at least for some – tends to be a…
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