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Things Women Do Better Than Men
Alex Wise
I usually avoid these battle-of-the-sexes type of articles, especially as we continue to discover that men and women aren’t so different after all. But when a popular magazine (even if it is Cosmopolitan) declares they’ve documented several areas in which women are better than men, I need to read that. It’s not that I don’t believe them–you’re…
What Captivates Men? A Women’s Uniqueness!
Alex Wise
A few weeks ago someone asked me, “What’s up with men and Asians? Why do you go so crazy for them?” The answer was simple, Asian women are considered “exotic”. There’s something different, appearance wise and culturally, that make them stand more than other women. While this answer may be true for many men, it’s not completely accurate.…
101 New Year’s Resolutions That You Can Actually Keep
Alex Wise
Yes, I know, you want to lose weight, stop smoking, exercise and be better to yourself in 2019. Good for you; those are fine goals. But let’s get a little more specific in the coming year, shall we? I’m just gonna riff here. No one can do all these things, but try a few and…
Toxic Friends And How To Treat Them
Alex Wise
We all have toxic friends. They usually don’t mean badly; they’re not trying to be toxic. But they’re toxic nonetheless. Having dealt with a few of them over the years, here’s how to either rehab them, or at least limit the damage. Honesty Above All I’m not saying be brutally honest, or tell the truth…
9 Original Places To Meet Men
Alex Wise
Just about every woman’s objective is to meet a great guy to share experiences and enjoy intimacy with. But where are all the good guys and where are all the places to meet men? Chances are, you’re probably convinced that all the good men out there are married, dating or gay, but you’re wrong. There…
My Boyfriend Loves To Cook, But His Food Tastes Terrible. Should I Tell Him?
Alex Wise
This funny question dropped into the mailbox today. Yes, you should tell him — to go work for Applebee‘s.J Seriously, though, it depends on your guy. Is he a delicate flower who carries his fragile ego around in a padded, shock-proof box with a little sachet inside? Does he get sand all up in his lady…
Lying About Their Weight? Be Your Own Online Dating Detective
Alex Wise
If you’ve ever been on an online date, you know that something about your first date is going to surprise you. They’re bound to be taller than you imagined them, or balder, or have a lisp, or be much … bigger … than their pictures suggested. This last in particular is a common complaint, and the…
Is A Man More Attractive If He’s Wearing A Wedding Ring?
Alex Wise
If I could go back and do my education all over again, well, I’d do everything I could to study whatever it took to become Jennifer Lopez’s nipple tweaker. It’s truly amazing what some people in this world get paid to do. Well, number 764 on that list would definitely be a social scientist or…
The Lovecycle
Alex Wise
Had an FB request come in during a chat, for a blog post about the stages of a relationship. Liked the idea a lot, but it ain’t normally my beat, not being something to be sarcastic about. So, I called in my lady to assist on this one. Sarcasm is mine, any sappy bits are…
Lessons Learned From Being Rejected
Alex Wise
Every man is scared of a woman rejecting their advances. I was often paralyzed by my attempts to grab a woman’s attention only leading to a quick and simple brush off. Even the act of her saying, “no” grasped by body with fear. Lets face it, women can be ruthless when approached by men. Rejection…
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