Make Your Relationship Work

Many women believe by showing up to a date, they are guaranteed a second date with the same person. However, showing up and having a conversation with your date, doesn’t guarantee a second date. If anything, you’re barely performing the minimum requirements for a date. Sitting across from a person and having a conversation doesn’t…

I always felt that using sincerity to buy love isn’t sincerity. I came across incidents where people demanded, saying, I have done this and that for you, yet you have the cheek to treat me otherwise! They use what they have given freely out of love to demand similar treatments of love. Many people use…

Had a seemingly simple question pop into my inbox here: Does your lady ever help you answer questions/ read your responses? Considered it carefully, then rejected it as a question, as it doesn’t carry the interest range of some of the others for the day. But it would not let me go and I felt…

Ya know, kids and adults really aren’t that different. In fact, the only real difference between the two is how we respond to our impulses. It’s the reason why so many people think that grown ups are acting like children. Because, well, they are. When I look at my daughter and how she responds to…

“The person you’re going to marry isn’t at the club,” a friend once told me. It was a message I was often reminded by friends and my experiences during my days of frequent clubbing. While I agree with the statement, exceptions to the rule exist. I have a dear friend who I often club with,…

Now that I’m single again, the question of “what to do next” has arisen several times. Each time I return with an answer of, “I don’t know.” What does one person do when they are single? Where do you begin? Should I begin dating again? I don’t have the answer to these questions, as I’m…

Sometimes the comments to the answers to questions that are asked provide the best source of blog fodder. Say that three times fast. The other day, I was asked a question about cyber cheating. Namely, a young lady found out that her man was cybercheating on her. I made mention of the fact that she was snooping…

Since I’m paid to give people advice on the Internet, I take some time out of my day on a regular basis to wander around and read relationship advice elsewhere in this great digital infodump of ours.  And I find some truly great, informative information. I also find some really, really bad ideas, often from…

This question showed up in my inbox the other day: Why do men cheat? This is not the first time I’ve gotten this question. It’s not even the tenth time. I’ve probably gotten the question more than twenty times in the last four years, but I never had a good answer for it until now. Before we…

It’s no secret that the key to successfully dating (assuming success means ending up in an actual relationship) is finding that person who matches whatever intangibles that you’re looking for in a mate. For some people it’s financial stability, for others its loyalty. Point is, everybody’s looking for something. Well, amid the roughly 3 million…

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