Make Your Relationship Work

What are the top 5 online dating scams? Yes friends, they are out there, online dating scams exist. People transitioned to online dating to get away from dealing with opportunistic jerks in the real world. Now we have to contend with these cyber punks on the Internet. These web based users are even worse than…

Fact: women judge you based on what’s on top of your head. They just do. So avoid these haircuts. Because women hate them. That’s right, these are the 16 most-despised men’s hairstyles, according to the prominent hairstylists and fashion bloggers we polled. Yes, cornrows made the list. So if you’ve got ’em, sit tight: we’ll…

Knowing how to get a girl to like you is pretty key to becoming good with women. Obviously we are not talking about liking you as a friend cos’ that would be bad. We are talking getting a girl to like you in a “I want to have sex with you right now” sort of…

Picture this scenario… You meet a girl, you hit it off big-time and end up going back to hers. You sleep together. Next morning you chat for a bit and then leave. Three days later she sends you a text, something like, “Hi, the other night was fun…” Everything seems hunky-dory right? WRONG! What seems…

Writer Annie Dillard famously said, “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” According a recent study by the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. No matter what kind of slave labor you subject yourself to during the day, you might be wondering of the four…

In this article, I’m going to shed some light on how to get your girlfriend back. If you are going through a break up, I feel your pain. Heartache is one of the most painful experiences anyone can go through and I know first hand how bad it sucks. It leaves you feeling insecure, unsure…

The best dog tricks that impress women are the ones that get them approaching you instead of the other way around. If you want to greatly increase your batting average, it is wise to have a few tricks up your sleeve for this purpose. Fido’s probably not too busy at the office to learn how…

An issue that often arises in the early parts of a relationship is whether or not it’s okay to be friends with your ex—or whether it’s okay for your partner to stay friends with an ex. This is a full-length article , so feel free to fast forward to the parts that are relevant to…

Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to do well at work? They get along well with people, do well at any task, and are able to deal with conflicts and setbacks with insight and resilience. Their success has less to do with skills, intelligence or even a fancy degree than their personality.…

When it comes to bachelor pads, there really isn’t a right and wrong. Men like what they like and they don’t like what they don’t. Most men don’t really think before decorating their interiors and men in relationships think completely differently. However, if you are a bachelor, you will end up bringing girls home once…

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