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8 Great Ways To Kill The Mood In Bed
Alex Wise
Want to turn the hot-and-heavy into the cold-and-awkward in the blink of an eye? Do any one of these things and watch the fun come to a screeching halt. Or so we’ve heard. Ahem. 1) Mention a former lover “Touch me there. Oh yeah, that’s it. Reginald used to do that.” Because that’s exactly what…
The Single Biggest Reason They Don’t Answer Your Emails
Alex Wise
Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, I talk to who has spent any time on an Internet dating site asks me “Why don’t they answer my emails?” The nastiest littlest-known secret is because the guy or gal you wrote to probably is too cheap to join the site: Most sites require that you pay before you…
13 Signs That A Guy Isn’t Interested In You
Alex Wise
How to tell if a guy isn’t into you. There are certain things guys say and do that are reliable indicators that they’re not interested in whatever it is you wish they were interested in, whether it’s a date or a serious relationship. There are no guarantees, and there are always exceptions. If a guy says he’s…
Believe What He Does More Than What He Says
Alex Wise
I’m seeing a theme among the thousands of questions that I am getting from you. They all go something like this: “My guy never calls but says it’s because he’s really busy and blah blah blah…” “A guy I like said he wants to ask me out but hasn’t. Does that mean blah blah blah…”…
11 Things That Will Turn A Guy Off In Bed
Alex Wise
Ok, so you’ve been dating your guy for a bit and you have a hunch the two of you are about to get nekkid, perhaps even on your next date. First of all, congrats — sex is fun. You’ll enjoy it. But it’s easy to take a wrong turn in the sack, so whether this…
Breakup Blues: 5 Things You Can Do Right Now To Feel Better
Alex Wise
You just got dumped, and you’re devastated. You never saw it coming. Or maybe you did the dumping, and now you feel like a monster for breaking someone’s heart. The tears won’t stop. You feel worthless. The whole world is in a tailspin, and you can’t even imagine how to move on. All you want…
The Do’s and Do Not’s of Sexting
Alex Wise
Everyone and their Grandma seem to be texting these days, seeing how it’s almost impossible to find a phone that doesn’t have a full keyboard. When you have something simple and quick to say, for example, “Look I’m sorry I shaved your cat, but get over it,” it can be convenient, but if you’re trying…
Avoiding a Block…From the Cock
Alex Wise
We’ve all met them. They’re annoying, obnoxious, have the potential to ruin your night.. and of course induce a wicked case of blue balls. That’s right, I’m talking about cock blocks, and they come in many forms. Some are crazy exes, some are siblings, some are friends or friends of the person you’re trying to hook up…
Five Reasons Not To Move In With Your Boyfriend
Alex Wise
One day you will look at your significant other and think: “Moving in together is the next logical step, right?” And it is. Cohabitating is generally the only way to figure out whether you can stand being together for the rest of your lives. But sometimes, we mistake convenience for love. Here’s how to figure…
4 Signs That She’s Down to Get Down After the Date!
Alex Wise
So you’re out on a date with a girl for the first time. She’s pretty cool and nothing strikes you that she’s a stage five clinger. The convo throughout the night has gone really smooth with a lot of giggling here and there. There’s no doubt about it; you’re feeling pretty damn good about the night…
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