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The Do’s And Don’ts of Landing The Guy You Want
Alex Wise
Is love on your menu? Are you trying to find that hunk-a-man to complete you like Mini-Me completes Dr. Evil? If so you’re in luck for today here at Loveawake, I shall share with you the do’s and don’ts to getting that guy that you want. And trust me ladies, it’s NOWHERE near as hard…
A Girl’s Guide To Scoring A Girlfriend
Alex Wise
Ok, boys, before you get excited about the possibility of this article helping you score the three-way of your dreams, stop reading. This one is for the ladies, and for the ladies who would like to friend other ladies. Women are emotional. Women can be downright caddy at times. And for reasons like this, many…
6 Ways to Avoid Being a Stage Five Clinger
Alex Wise
Everyone wants to feel like they are a special part of someone else’s life. Sharing inside jokes, getting flowers, or just having another person know all those little details about you that make you unique. However, when someone knows that you like to dance in your underwear before you go to bed not because you…
A Man’s Guide to Being Friend’s With The Opposite Sex
Alex Wise
There’s no question that every guy should have at least one good friend of the opposite sex that he can turn to during times of desperate needs. The question is, how do you be a good friend back? There’s many things that can instantly change your status from great guy friend to creepy, nosey guy…
The Do’s and Don’ts of Having a Friend With Benefits (FWB)
Alex Wise
We’ve all heard of them, some of us have even have them. Friends with benefits (or FWB), they’re the friends that you can have fun with physically and hang out with afterward without all the messy emotional attachment and commitment. Right ? Not so much. All though the idea seems great and harmless, the actual relationship may…
The Do’s and Dont’s of Dating After a Breakup
Alex Wise
You and your significant other just broke up, you’ve cried your tears, made voodoo dolls resembling them and destroyed all the old photos. Or maybe the two of you were the lucky exception and ended on good terms. Either way, now it comes time to move on with your life.. but how long should you wait…
Traveling With Your New Beau 101
Alex Wise
You and your new significant other are head over heels for each other: you want to spend every waking minute together and use any excuse to be alone. Well there’s no better way to do all the above than to jet off somewhere on a romantic getaway. But then you ask yourself, what if it’s…
The Do’s and Don’ts of Approaching a Girl on the Dance Floor
Alex Wise
Approaching girls on the dance floor is always a stressful situation. You really want to dance with her but at the same time you don’t want her to be uncomfortable. You want to meet her but you don’t want to get shot down in front of the whole club. You want to get her attention but you…
Teaching Your Partner & Best Friend To Play Nice
Alex Wise
Two of the most important people in your life, your boyfriend (or girlfriend) and your best friend, can’t stand the sight of each other. They flat out hate each other. You can feel more tension in the air when they’re together than you can at a dinner table with Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien. It’s only…
4 Reasons Why Love Can Be Explained With Clinical Psychology
Alex Wise
The number one topic of conversation in music, television, and movies is a mystery — but one that’s a lot more interesting than UFOs, has nothing to do with crime, and doesn’t even necessarily involve much action at all. It’s love. Love, one of the most annoying emotions on the planet, inspires a slew of…
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