Make Your Relationship Work

The V questions have started pouring in. They usually come in two forms: “What should me and my man do for V Day?” or “I’m single. Valentines Day hurts my heart. Help.” This piece is dedicated to those seeking some thoughts on the latter. As for those seeking help with the former – the answer…

Two men were sitting at the bar talking. The one man asks “Why do you drink so much?” The other man says “I drink to forget” to which the first man asks “What are you trying to forget?” to which the other man says “I don’t remember”. This is a very old joke, kind of a…

Have you fallen in love lately? If you are in a relationship, when was the last time you “fell in love”? Now falling in love and loving somebody are two different things for most people. Often times when we first are with someone, we feel that spark, which gets fanned into a flame and before…

“We are now at a point where we must educate our children in what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our schools for what no one knows yet” – Margaret Mead, 1901-1978, American Cultural Anthropologist If Margaret Mead thought this back then can you imagine her reaction to all that has changed in the last…

As a man and his friend were having coffee one morning, their conversation was continuously interrupted by the man coughing.  As he was finishing his coughing fit he lit up a cigarette. The friend said, “Man you sound like you are hacking up a lung, maybe you should consider quitting smoking”. The man with the…

Do know people who have to be in complete control of every aspect of their life and every aspect of every one else’s life? I have known a number of people like this over the years and I have identified them as “control freaks”. I considered them control freaks because if they were not in…

Dating can be a confusing process for any single person. Adding a recent divorce and/or kids into the mix, can make it even more complex. A person with a recent divorce will most likely have a smaller pool of people that are o.k. to date, due to children and ex’s. But, internet dating will help…

Friends should be warm, supportive, and fun to be with, right? Uhm…ideally. There are some “friends” who seem to make you feel miserable and guilty, or cut you down with sarcastic or insulting comments and then laugh it off. These are very toxic relationships, and it may make us wonder why we bother even hanging…

Our society is hell bent on trying to figure out what can we do to our self to attract the kind of person that we want to attract. Cosmetic industries, the fitness industry, plastic surgery, which all have many spin-off products are built on this very question. As a society we place a high value…

What’s missing in your life? I would like you to take a moment and consider this question. Is it romance, money, your soul mate, time, family? What is it that you are missing that if you had it would complete you or make you happier than you are right now? Many people believe that something…

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