Part 2 of series: Denominations, Toothpaste, and Toilet Paper Permalink for this post / Permalink for this series In yesterday’s post I summarized the results of an Ellison Research that found American Protestants to be more loyal to their brand of toothpaste than to their brand of church (i.e. denomination). Although I have neither the…

Part 1 of series: Denominations, Toothpaste, and Toilet Paper Permalink for this post / Permalink for this series A recent USA Today headline caught my eye: â??U.S. Protestants more loyal to toothpaste brand than church?â? Ouch! This isnâ??t something that a clergyman from a Protestant denomination wants to read in the morning paper. But, like…

Part 8 of series: Advice for Pastor Search Committees Permalink for this post / Permalink for this series I’m going to wrap up this series today, at least for now. As always, I reserve the right to come back to this subject in the future. So far, I’ve suggested that pastor search committees should: 1.…

As I was driving along in San Antonio recently, I glimpsed a sign that grabbed my attention. Since I wasn’t quite sure I saw it right, I did a big loop to confirm my I had seen (not an easy task with San Antonio frontage roads, by the way). Sure enough, at the Las Palapas…

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