An opinion piece in USA Today invites atheists to “play well with others.” Karl Gilberson, a professor at Easter Nazarene College and co-president of the Biologos Foundation, a group dedicated to working on the issues of faith and science, complains about the tendency of notable atheists to deny that one can be a person of…

My last post in this series began to answer the question: So, then, what difference does it make for us today that the first Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit almost two millennia ago on the Jewish festival of Pentecost? I suggested two ways that Pentecost makes a difference today: 1. Pentecost underscores the…

Restore our fortunes, LORD, as streams renew the desert. Psalm 126:4 Psalm 126 begins by celebrating the return of the Israelites from exile (126:1). It was a time of laughter as God’s people rejoiced in the “amazing things” God had done for them (126:2-3). But the festivity did not last. In time, Israel began to…

In yesterday’s post I gave a brief overview of some basic facts about Pentecost: What is Pentecost?What does the word “Pentecost” mean?What actually happened on the day of Pentecost?Should we believe that all of this actually happened?How is Pentecost related to Pentecostal Christians?How do Christians celebrate Pentecost? Today I’ll reflect on the spiritual significance of…

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