Today I want to finish my series on the National Day of Prayer. In yesterday’s post, I completed an evaluation of Jon Meacham’s use of Jesus to bolster his case for the separation of church and state. In today’s post I want to suggest two other passages from the New Testament Gospels that could shed…

If you’ve been following my blog for the last few days, you know I’ve been posting a variety of thoughts related to the National Day of Prayer, which is today, Thursday, May 6, 2010. Included among these thoughts has been an evaluation of a “religious case” for the separation of church and state, one that…

57% of Americans Favor the National Day of Prayer According to a recent USA Today/Gallup Poll of 1,000 adults, 57% of Americans favor the National Day of Prayer, 38% don’t care either way, 4.5% oppose it, and .5% don’t know or refuse to answer. My favorite line from Cathy Lynn Grossman’s article: “For most 18-…

In Monday’s post I summarized a “religious case for church-state separation” found in Jon Meacham’s recent Newsweek article. Meacham believes that Jesus originated the idea of church-state separation. In support of this claim, he refers to two passages in the New Testament Gospels, one in which Jesus refused to be crowned as king, and one…

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