Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
John 8:12

Click here to read all of John 8:12-30

Light of the world, shine on me!
Light of the world, shine in my heart, revealing my sin so that I might confess it to You.
Light of the world, shine into the darkness of my soul, renewing that which the world has made dingy.
Light of the world, shine in my mind, that I might see Your truth clearly.
Light of the world, shine through me, so that I might reflect Your radiance into this world.
Light of the world, shine on me!
Questions for Reflection
In what ways is Jesus the light of your life?
Does Jesus shine through you to the world?
How might you reflect the light of Christ today?

The lighthouse of Big Sur Light Station
in northern California

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