The Foundation of Wisdom READ Psalm 111:1-10  Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom. Praise him forever! Psalm 111:10 Wisdom seems to be on the wane these days. Our society tends to value that which is trendy, spectacular, and instantaneous. Thus we tend…

What Should You Do When People Speak Poorly of You? I love them, but they try to destroy me with accusations even as I am praying for them!   Psalm 109:4 Psalm 109 is David’s prayer when people around him were speaking poorly of him. Their criticisms, though untrue, were nevertheless painful (109:2). David’s pain…

A Cry for Help READ Psalm 107:1-43  “LORD, help!” they cried in their trouble, and he rescued them from their distress. Psalm 107:6 Psalm 107 reminds us to “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good!” (107:1). The bulk of the psalm consists of four vignettes that illustrate God’s saving grace, in response to…

Seek the Lord READ Psalm 105:1-45  Search for the LORD and for his strength; continually seek him. Psalm 105:4 Psalm 105 calls God’s people to give him thanks and praise in response to his “wonders” (105:5). The bulk of the Psalm highlights God’s special work with the Israelites, beginning with the covenant with Abraham and…

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