dogs.JPGDear Friends,
We’re keeping our Valentine’s video going through the week-end to encourage as many hearts as possible, especially the lonely ones. If you know someone who could use a boost on Valentine’s Day, please use the link above to pass it along to a friend who may be alone and discouraged.
We also have some other romance and valentine-related videos posted here for you to take a look at. And we’ll have a brand new video for you next Tuesday.
In the meantime, please consider this – that love, romantic love, family love, filial love, patriotic love, love for friends, for beauty, for truth, love that lifts and supports and hopes all things and endures all things, every kind of true love has a Source that is Love Itself. It is the Love that never leaves us, forsakes us, or betrays us. It is the Love that created you and me and even St. Valentine and formed a place in our hearts to carry that love. No other love can fill that God-shaped space.
This Valentine’s Day, don’t be afraid to tell the ones you love that you love them. If you’ve lost them, go find them. And if that God-shaped hole in your heart is still waiting to be filled, this just might be a great day to let His love find YOU.
Love to all,
For more Valentine videos, watch One Little Cup of Coffee and The Tie That Binds

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