Medicine to Move You

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Alzheimer’s…the word alone is enough to scare most people over 50.  Whether it be because we know someone or some family that has been effected by this condition or whether we fear it for ourselves, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has become a popular concern for my older patients.  By the way, many of my patients in…

Surprise, surprise.  In the news this last week, another class of pharmaceutical medications is undergoing scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety concerns.  Known as  ‘bisphosphonates’, this class include drugs such as Fosamax (alendronate), Boniva, Actonel and Reclast – meds used to prevent and/or treat osteoporosis. The debate stems over the safety…

Cell phones are here to stay and we knew it the moment we laid hands on our first mobile communication superstar back in the early 1990s.  Technology has come a long way from the remote control sized cell phone and getting in touch with someone never seemed so easy.  But with everything that society considers…

Death by chocolate?  Well, maybe not so.  You may have heard that there is a saving grace in that luxurious, seemingly sinful, guilty pleasure called chocolate.  Well, here’s the latest scoop but I’ve kept it kiddie size. Chocolate goodness starts as a sparkle in a cacao tree’s eye.  Cacao beans are carefully fermented, as they…

Some of the greatest pioneers in medicine work to find ways to highlight lifestyle-based solutions for the most devastating diseases.  Of course, nothing strikes fear into the heart and, literally, the chests of women than the diagnosis of breast cancer.  Luckily for us, these trendsetting docs have uncovered some research truths about what we can…

Today we’re continuing the ‘burning discussion’ on acid reflux.  Called by many names, acid reflux is one relatively new condition which is on the rise mostly due to our culture’s lifestyle habits, particularly overeating and increasing weight gain.  The excess belly fat creates both structural ‘blockage’ of acid flow and fuels inflammation lending to more…

Fire in The Hole!  That’s one way we describe heartburn/acid reflux.  Whether you call it heartburn, acid reflux, gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), or dyspepsia, one thing is for sure, it usually begins with a warm, burning sensation that rises up the esophagus.  Some people report experiencing an acidic taste, frequent burping and/or a hoarse, raspy…

Although I am very fortunate to have never experienced a migraine headache, I treat a significant number of people who are debilitated by them regularly.  In fact, almost 20% of American women suffer from migraines.  Clarification:  Many use the word ‘migraine’ to describe any incredibly intense headache but a true migraine has very unique characteristics.…

If you’re a TV channel surfer, no doubt you heard the latest news released throughout the media this weekend – food allergies are becoming more common and more severe based on a large, patient reported research study out of Northwestern University this month.  This study which included 40,000 children, found that 1 in 12 children…

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