Some of the greatest pioneers in medicine work to find ways to highlight lifestyle-based solutions for the most devastating diseases.  Of course, nothing strikes fear into the heart and, literally, the chests of women than the diagnosis of breast cancer.  Luckily for us, these trendsetting docs have uncovered some research truths about what we can…

Today we’re continuing the ‘burning discussion’ on acid reflux.  Called by many names, acid reflux is one relatively new condition which is on the rise mostly due to our culture’s lifestyle habits, particularly overeating and increasing weight gain.  The excess belly fat creates both structural ‘blockage’ of acid flow and fuels inflammation lending to more…

Fire in The Hole!  That’s one way we describe heartburn/acid reflux.  Whether you call it heartburn, acid reflux, gastrointestinal reflux disease (GERD), or dyspepsia, one thing is for sure, it usually begins with a warm, burning sensation that rises up the esophagus.  Some people report experiencing an acidic taste, frequent burping and/or a hoarse, raspy…

In response to Kathie’s comments on The Power of Poop post:   Unfortunately, many conventional medicine ‘experts’ do not place an emphasis on the therapeutic potency of functional elimination through the colon, kidney, skin and liver. The liver and colon play a critical role in the removal of fat soluble toxins beginning with a process…

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