If you have been following my “exhalation” s/p (that’s medical-ese for ‘status post’ meaning ‘after’) attending the SIMPLE conference in Albuquerque recently, get ready for some more juicy information.  Remembering that this was a conference designed to unite and educate Integrative Medicine physicians nationwide, I will be sharing some quick facts or statistics about varied…

If you have wandered around this blog, you may have noticed that I have the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine on my ‘faves’ list.  Rightly deserving its place in my heart, it puts out the evidence that supports the movement towards more lifestyle-based solutions for many conditions.  One area of interest  that is particularly a…

For me, organic foods provide an assurance of the absence of harmful chemicals as well as the myriad of unhealthy and unethical growing practices.  I guess I’ve always subscribed to the “organic soil is healthier and plants grown in healthier soil will be healthier” philosophy.  It’s just been an intuition for me; however with recent…

Not a day goes by in our Integrative Medicine office that we don’t see a “unexpected”  manifestation of allergies.  Most patients think that allergies are something that many people get because things like pollen, dust and other environmental allergens are unavoidable. What they don’t always know is that having an allergy problem is having an…

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