You might have read my latest blog and just maybe you wondered if you were low in Vitamin D.  If you didn’t wonder, then let me say it again because chances are, you are low!.  Most Americans do not have healthy levels of vitamin D to help prevent many diseases like osteoporosis and cancer.  Be…

Vitamin D is one of the “hottest” avenues of research in allopathic medicine* today.  There is increasing physician and patient awareness about having the right vitamin D level for optimal health.  Interestingly, vitamin D, the vitamin we get from the sun, is shockingly low in most patients.  Of course you might not be surprised if…

If you’ve read Michael Pollan’s work, you may already know how, decades ago, Americans were emphatically urged to cut fat out of their diet in order to avoid heart disease.  The promise: the more foods you converted to low fat and nonfat versions, the better your health would be.  The food industry had invented many…

Summer is here and it’s time for America’s favorite past-times- outdoor barbeques, trips to the beach and pool parties.  Wherever you go, the motto is to do it up!  Big, cheesy burgers, mounds of deep fried chips, liters of sugary sodas, artificially colored popsicles and towers of brownies flood the picnic table.  We justify this…

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