My husband’s cousin is visiting from India and the topic of what I do always seems to get some good conversations and questions rolling.  Believe me, I know it’s not because of me.  It’s because the concept of being healthy makes everyone reflect on their own personal performance and curious about what they could be…

I was reading an article in the New York Times November 28, 2010 edition tonight and found a catchy title that obviously had me at ‘Junking.’  The title, “Junking Junk Food” did not prepare me, however, for the subject matter-  should politicians be involved with the food choices that Americans make.   As you might know,…

A potentially life-saving study was plastered all over the internet yesterday.  Job Stress May Raise Women’s Heart Attack Risk by Almost 90%!  This is at the ‘preliminary assessment’ state as the results have not been fully analyzed- basically meaning the medical community is not willing to stand behind this claim just yet.  The news, although,…

Addiction is a word that conjures up many images- usually of the heroin addict, the alcoholic or the chain smoker.  But have you ever thought about whether or not you might have an addiction to something less melodramatic?  Did you ever think that your attachment to your coffee was something more than your love for…

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