Newsflash:  “You should be taking a fish oil for good health!”  How many times have you heard the terms “fish oil,” “omega 3,” or “omega 3 fatty acid” being plastered in health bulletins or recommendations lately?  If you are paying any attention, it’s everywhere!  Why?  Because there is so much excitement over the prospect of…

A potentially life-saving study was plastered all over the internet yesterday.  Job Stress May Raise Women’s Heart Attack Risk by Almost 90%!  This is at the ‘preliminary assessment’ state as the results have not been fully analyzed- basically meaning the medical community is not willing to stand behind this claim just yet.  The news, although,…

If you have been following my “exhalation” s/p (that’s medical-ese for ‘status post’ meaning ‘after’) attending the SIMPLE conference in Albuquerque recently, get ready for some more juicy information.  Remembering that this was a conference designed to unite and educate Integrative Medicine physicians nationwide, I will be sharing some quick facts or statistics about varied…

As you may have read in an earlier post, I recently attended SIMPLE, a conference for Integrative Medical Professionals held by the University of New Mexico.  There, I amassed a smorgasbord of integrative health education which I will be spurting out as I fast as I can find the time to put it into words. …

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