Although I am very fortunate to have never experienced a migraine headache, I treat a significant number of people who are debilitated by them regularly.  In fact, almost 20% of American women suffer from migraines.  Clarification:  Many use the word ‘migraine’ to describe any incredibly intense headache but a true migraine has very unique characteristics.…

If you’re a TV channel surfer, no doubt you heard the latest news released throughout the media this weekend – food allergies are becoming more common and more severe based on a large, patient reported research study out of Northwestern University this month.  This study which included 40,000 children, found that 1 in 12 children…

In response to Kathie’s comments on The Power of Poop post:   Unfortunately, many conventional medicine ‘experts’ do not place an emphasis on the therapeutic potency of functional elimination through the colon, kidney, skin and liver. The liver and colon play a critical role in the removal of fat soluble toxins beginning with a process…

Yes, I said it.  Poop.  Not only did I just  say it, I make it a point to say it in every, single one of my Living Wellness University lectures- whether it is about the digestive system or it’s about your hormones- it applies and is critical to your health.  This guarded act of defecation…

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