Alzheimer’s…the word alone is enough to scare most people over 50.  Whether it be because we know someone or some family that has been effected by this condition or whether we fear it for ourselves, Alzheimer’s disease (AD) has become a popular concern for my older patients.  By the way, many of my patients in…

Surprise, surprise.  In the news this last week, another class of pharmaceutical medications is undergoing scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety concerns.  Known as  ‘bisphosphonates’, this class include drugs such as Fosamax (alendronate), Boniva, Actonel and Reclast – meds used to prevent and/or treat osteoporosis. The debate stems over the safety…

Some of the greatest pioneers in medicine work to find ways to highlight lifestyle-based solutions for the most devastating diseases.  Of course, nothing strikes fear into the heart and, literally, the chests of women than the diagnosis of breast cancer.  Luckily for us, these trendsetting docs have uncovered some research truths about what we can…

Earlier this month, researchers published the results of a study designed to understand if adults with children are healthier than adults without children. Before I get into the details, ask yourself….were you healthier before you had children? I commonly hear parents share how they “used to work out” and “used to eat healthier” before the…

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