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Mindfulness Matters
Meditation Made Simple: Seven Considerations to Get You Going :: Part Five: Your Religion, If You Have One, Is OK With This
Dr. Arnie Kozak
Meditation is not religion. Or at least it doesn’t have to be. All religions have a meditative tradition, but meditation is just about paying attention to what is happening now. Religion doesn’t own attention. You do. Meditation is not necessarily spiritual either. There is a strong tradition of secular meditation in the West that started…
Waking Up is a Revolutionary Act: A Manifesto for Mindful Living, Part Five: Be Good
Dr. Arnie Kozak
Imagine what the world would be like if generosity, kindness, and wisdom prevailed over greed, hatred, and ignorance. We would devote our resources to education, science, creativity, wellness, and infrastructure rather than spending on defense. Instead of destroying the infrastructure of Iraq and Afghanistan and rebuilding it poorly, we could use that largess to benefit…
Metaphor Monday: The Glass is Alway Full Even if You’re a Pessimist
Dr. Arnie Kozak
Folk wisdom asks if the glass is half-empty or half-full. The optimist sees it as half-full, focusing on the positive; the pessimist sees it as half-empty, focusing on the negative. Yet, if you really think about it, the glass is always full — full of water and air. The perspective of air and water shifts…
Stress Reduction Sunday now Thrive Friday
Dr. Arnie Kozak
It’s been a a while since I’ve linked to my weekly posts on Connecticut Watchdog website. These columns, DESTRESS, focused on how to apply mindfulness to everyday stressful circumstances. I’m changing the emphasis from DESTRESS to THRIVE to include a positive psychology approach. Mindfulness fits well within the broader field of positive psychology, so look…
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