This classic video features a 2004 interviews between Pema Chodron and Bill Moyers on Moyer’s series, Speaking of Faith that aired on PBS. While it took place in 2004, it’s message is timeless. I show this to my Mindfulness in Health Care course every time I teach it, and I am always delighted to discover something new in it.

What I love about Pema is her down to earthness. She doesn’t hide her vulnerabilities and the places that still hook her. You can see and feel her presence and lack of pretense. You can hear her genuine sense of caring for others–her passion as a Bodhisattva Warrior. Topics include groundlessness, awakening, and living with uncertainty.

You can watch this video in its entirety thanks to or watch YouTube segments below.

Watch Faith & Reason: Pema Chodron on PBS. See more from Bill Moyers.

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