I tend to avoid using “relaxation” in my teaching of mindfulness. As I understand it, the goal of mindfulness practice is not to relax but to know our minds. Relaxation is a reliable by-product of the process but not the main goal. For one, meditation practice is not always relaxing. When we practice, the stuff…

My colleagues at the University of California San Diego recently held a conference called Bridging Hearts & Minds of Youth. The conference audio and videos are now available if you missed this conference. They are planning the conference again for next February. This is the first conference of its kind to assemble professionals from various disciplines involved…

Around this time and around the world, the Buddha’s birthday is celebrated. I’ll take this occasion to reflect on the Buddha and what he means to me. Archeological evidence suggests he was an actual person. The year’s of his existence are approximately 2500 years ago. The traditional time frame was adjusted  forward 8o-some years after Professor…

27 April 2012: I enter the Davis Center at the University of Vermont. I’m heading for the meditation flash mob scheduled for noon. I enter on the second floor and pass by throngs of students getting their lunch in the cafeteria. I think to myself, “Don’t they know the flashmob is underway?” Across the hall,…

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