I missed this Newsweek article when it came out on January 1, but I’ve heard a bunch of mentions of it just recently. It’s another high profile exposure for mindfulness. The article is entitled, “Mindfulness Meditation Rediscovered.” A curious title, since that rediscovery took place at the very least 30-some years ago when Jon Kabat-Zinn…

My dharma friends and colleagues Susan Woods and Miv London will be presenting their annual training workshop at Kripalu. Get your CE credits  in the wonderful environment of Kripalu and enjoy this heartfelt training with Miv and Susan. An Introduction to MBCT for Depression Relapse Prevention: The Mindful Heart of Psychotherapy For mental-health professionals and students.…

In 2007 the CDC reported that antidepressants had become the most frequently prescribed drug, eclipsing drugs for high blood pressure. 118 Million scripts were written in 2005. This number continues to grow. I wonder what would happen if more people strapped a snowboard to their feet and got on top of a mountain and slid…

This is the Exquisite Mind Studio in Burlington, Vermont as captured on a sunny day. One of the members of our community, Bruce Post, took this photo and called it “Waiting.” The pregnant emptiness that precedes the group sitting. We spend much of our lives waiting, breathing in the transition spaces between things. Or we…

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