This axiom of wisdom comes from Jo, the author of “Kensho: Or What I did on My Christmas Vacation.” It’s disarming in it simplicity; obvious in its importance. It speaks to the futility of worry and reminds us that when we show up for our lives things usually work out OK. Some situations require homework…

                It’s Stress Reduction Sunday. Read my weekly post in the Connecticut Watchdog. Here is my CT Watchdog posts from last week:   DESTRESS: Savor Each Moment         If you caught Fresh Air earlier this week you heard a fascinating interview with Grant Achatz, master chef…

What does a live well lived look like? Nigel Marsh opines on the critical issue of work-life balance. He muses wryly that we “work long hours at jobs we hate to make money to buy things we don’t need to impress people we don’t like.” A variant of the velvet handcuffs. Balance is incompatible with…

This may be stating the obvious, but things change and they often change in ways that we’d prefer they not. It’s raining today instead of snowing. I’d prefer snow, or at least not rain. Too bad. This is what we’ve got. CT Watchdog recently experienced unexpected and an unwanted virus. Things happen. Cars get in…

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