It’s Stress Reduction Sunday. Read my weekly post in the Connecticut Watchdog. Here is my CT Watchdog posts from the past few weeks: Mindful Eating Through the Holidays: The Antidote to Gluttony: I’m willing to be that we all over did it on Thanksgiving. The line between gratitude and gluttony can be as thin as a…

It’s Stress Reduction Sunday. Read my weekly post in the Connecticut Watchdog, This week’s entry Surviving the Holidays with Poise: Mindfulness Put to the Test It’s the holiday season, and this can be a challenging time of year. When we discussed this in my meditation group, the word that came up to describe it was, “expectations.”…

It’s Stress Reduction Sunday. Read my weekly post in the Connecticut Watchdog, This week’s entry Mindfulness and Yoga: A Potent Combination for Combatting Stress Today there are 20 million practitioners of yoga in the United States today. My hometown of Burlington, Vermont sports a dizzying and wonderful array of yoga studios, and your town probably does as well.…

It’s Stress Reduction Sunday. Read my weekly post in the Connecticut Watchdog, This week’s entry Strategies To Deal With Difficult Bosses and Other Problem People What Does Mindfulness Have to Offer? Part Two There are a variety of scenarios we might encounter with a difficult boss or co-worker. I recognize there are situations that may be…

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