Tim Krieder wrote an opinion in a recent New York Times Sunday Review (17 November 2012) called the Quiet Ones about the Quiet Car on Amtrack. His observations are prescient. We have lost quiet in our world and we have also lost the civility that supports quiet. He notes how one individual puts her phone…

I was delighted to see four my of my colleagues from the University of Vermont College of Medicine Program on Integrative Health featured in this Vermont Public Television documentary on connective tissue and acupuncture. Featured are Helene Langevin, Robert Davis, Brian Erickson, and Janet Kahn. Helene’s research is uncovering a scientific basis for acupuncture helping…

I was recently sent a preview of the film, The Cure Is … . Watching the trailer, brought to mind the pseudoscientific and therefore dangerous films, The Secret and What the Bleep Do We Know. Perhaps you have received an invitation to view this film as well. If you watch, please do so with caution. It is an admixture of…

The PostSecret Project started when Frank Warren printed 3,000 blank postcards with instructions and his address on the front. He distributed them randomly in the streets of Washington DC. He asked people to present an artful secret. The process went viral and he started getting postcards from around the country and the world. Half a…

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