Having just written about the obstacles to practice, I would like to invite you, dear readers, to submit questions that are arising in your practice. My favorite way of teaching is responding to questions. The challenge of mindfulness is not understanding mindfulness–it’s easy in concept, difficult in practice: Pay attention to what is happening now…

This is the penultimate installment of the final set of reflections on obstacles to practice focusing on the Buddha’s five hindrances (well not his hindrances, but the five that he set out as obstacles to meditation). The Five are a laundry list of things that are rarely a good idea–sensual desire anger, anxiety, laziness, restlessness, and doubt. We’ll…

Hello readers. More to come soon, I promise. Meanwhile, read this article on FOMO (fear-of-missing-out) that I was consulted for. It appears in Women’s Health on the ABC News site. Fear of Missing Out: Are You a Slave to FOMO? by Sarah Miller.

We are in the midst of another heat wave. It’s in the 90s and that is unusual for Northern Vermont. It’s dangerously hot and humid. It’s easy not to like this weather and because of this ready aversion the heat has much to teach us about living an awakened life. The unpleasantness of the warmth…

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