Here are links to three recent discussions of LDS books that might make it under your Christmas tree this year, either in the traditional manner (you buy it for a loved one) or the modern guaranteed-to-get-it-right style (you buy it, hand it to a loved one, and say “this would make a great present to me if you don’t have something else lined up”).
- Making Sense of the Doctrine & Covenants [$27 at Amazon]. J. at BCC reviewed this new book and gave it a strong recommendation.
- A Disciple’s Life: The Biography of Neal A. Maxwell [$23 at Amazon]. This one has been out a few years, but seems to have become more popular lately. I have a copy on my shelf that’s on “long-term loan” from a friend. Bruce C. Hafen, an LDS General Authority, is the author. Gently Hew Stone has a review up that gives it ho-hum marks, more for the editorial approach than for the content.
- Nauvoo Polygamy [$26 at Amazon]. Another new book. Amazon says “temporarily out of stock,” so it must be selling well. I have a review copy but haven’t had a chance to read it yet. (On the back cover, Klaus J. Hansen calls it “a major contribution to Mormon history.”) Mormon Chronicles offers some comments on the book, with links for additional information.