No time for commentary this morning, but here are more Prop 8 stories from across the full range of the opinion spectrum:
- “Why we’re mad at the Mormon church,” by an LA Times columnist. I believe the “we” in the headline refers to the gay community, not the LA Times. The piece defends gay attacks on the LDS Church criticized in an earlier LA Times op-ed column.
- A Beliefnet duo squares off: Jay Seculow: “Proposition 8: Respecting the Will of the People.” And Rev. Barry W. Lynn: “Proposition 8: Pernicious and Perhaps Gone.”
- And from Rolling Stone (not exactly a hotbed of reactionary journalism): “Same-Sex Setback,” with the subtitle “Don’t blame Mormons or black voters – the California activists who tried to stop Prop 8 ran a lousy campaign” (my emphasis).