I dropped a new book into slot one of my Now Reading list (on the sidebar), Nauvoo Polygamy: “… but we called it celestial marriage”, by George D. Smith. The title is certainly an orthographic challenge. I’ll save my own substantive comments for a later post (after I’ve read more of the book), but here are several posts from other blogs that have already discussed the book.
- At Juvenile Instructor, a transcription of remarks delivered by the author on Dec. 10, 2008 at Benchmark Books in Salt Lake City, along with a Q&A session.
- At By Common Consent, “Nauvoo Polygamy: Some Thoughts,” expressing some disappointment in the book but providing a fairly comprehensive chapter-by-chapter overview.
- “Follow-Up Thoughts on Nauvoo Polygamy,” also at BCC, an ambitious attempt to provide context to (if not a defense of) polygamy as practiced in Nauvoo and as documented in the book.