At the LDS Newroom, “2008: A Historic Year for the Church,” highlighting and discussing major LDS stories from 2008. The biggies: The passing of President Gordon B. Hinckley, with Thomas S. Monson becoming the 16th President of the Church shortly thereafter; the first volume of the Joseph Smith Papers project finally getting published; and Elder…

SquareTwo, an online journal hoping to foster informed discussion and development of LDS issues. The introductory essay by Richard Sherlock notes in particular that history and sociology have had their day in the sun as avenues of discussion; now it is time for theology and public policy issues to move to the center of the…

For your weekly Prop 8 fix, here are some unusually thoughtful recent posts from the LDS group blog Zelophedad’s Daughters. “The Prop 8 Debate and the Fiction of the Autonomous Self,” starting with this provocative sentence: “The questionable premise I see here is the notion that the choices of individuals in their private lives have…

I’ve been offline with some holiday travel the last few days. I spent a couple of hours camping in the “cell phone park and wait” lot waiting for a delayed flight to arrive at the Salt Lake airport. Really, how did people survive without cell phones? Then, driving back home, I filled up the tank…

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