From David Ford’s Theology: A Very Short Introduction: Religions are learning communities which benefit from interactions with other learning communities, and they also need to cultivate their own educational institutions. There have been devastating consequences when religious communities have had negative attitudes to study, scholarship, and intelligent faith, or have failed to face intelligently major…

From Things of My Soul, “Creeping Mormonism,” relating the author’s surprise at seeing distinctively Mormon doctrines and beliefs, such as the idea of eternal marriage, sometimes appear in Protestant preaching or practice. It’s a two-way street, of course: many of the early Mormon doctrines had parallels in other Christian denominations of the day. Later, in…

At the Mormon Times, “Inside the lost McLellin notebook,” with information about and excerpts from a newly discovered notebook written by William E. McLellin, an early Mormon apostle who was later excommunicated from the Church (in 1838). It appears the notebook may have been the first draft of a book. The Salt Lake Tribune also…

At Christianity Today (which bills itself as “a magazine of Evangelical conviction”), “The Evolution of Darwin,” by none other than Dinesh D’Souza. The main point of the short article is that Darwin, the patron saint of the New Atheists, was at best a conflicted agnostic who, unlike the New Atheists, “did not boast about his…

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