I updated my Now Reading list (three clicks down the sidebar), adding a slot for Christian books. My first will be John Polkinghorne’s The God of Hope and the End of the World (Yale Univ. Press, 2002), which should provide several posts during March. Does anyone have any suggestions for the next book? I’m amazed at the number of general interest Christian books that cycle through the New Books shelves at the local library.

Nauvoo Polygamy is still there in the newly released Mormon book slot. I put Power From On High: The Development of the Mormon Priesthood (Signature, 1995) in the “classic” Mormon book slot, which will generally be a book that’s been sitting on my shelf lo these many years and is finally getting the attention it deserves. Power From On High is much better this time than the first time I started reading it. I don’t really need suggestions for Mormon books to put in the queue, but you’re welcome to post a title if you have a favorite.

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