Amy Welborn is a mother and a blogger, but she’s no mommyblogger. And now she’s at Beliefnet: Via Media is her new weblog. I might have said a few things about how I never really connected with her posts at the old blog with the touching name (Charlotte Was Both), but after reading in her…

By Common Consent rushes in where angels fear to tread, with a lengthy roundtable conversation about porn (in three posts) between anonymized permabloggers. The conversation is in response to a recent paper that’s been in the news lately, asserting an undefined link between conservative politics or religion and porn consumption (see discussion at this Get Religion…

The Mormon Times has a short write-up on a presentation given by Terryl Givens at UVU (that’s Utah Valley University) on the preexistence in Western thought, the topic of his soon-to-be-released book. While the doctrine certainly has its appeal, it remains a heresy to orthodox Christians. Here, quoting from the article, is one purported theological…

William Lobdell was the LA Times religion reporter for many years. In his new book, Losing My Religion: How I Lost My Faith Reporting on Religion in America — and Found Unexpected Peace, Lobdell tells the story of how he lost his faith. I assume that the essay on the same topic that he wrote…

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