“Yes, I’m certain of that” is often taken to be an assurance that the speaker really knows that the attested fact or opinion is correct. But it’s not clear that a feeling of really knowing something is a good predictor of really knowing something, as discussed in “On Being Certain: An Overview,” at LDS Science…

The big news over the weekend was the announcement that President Obama has nominated Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, a Republican and a practicing Mormon, as Ambassador to China. Here’s from the Salt Lake Tribune, “Crucial role for Huntsman in China“: “I can think of no one better suited to take on this assignment than the…

I’m not sure what all the Catholic commotion is about concerning this weekend’s visit of President Obama to the campus of Notre Dame to deliver the commencement address to this year’s graduating class. See “Notre Dame president catches heat for Obama invite” or any of a thousand other stories for the details. How could a…

From a Washington Times article “Marriage as a Mormon value” According to [the] Pew [Forum], Mormons have one of the most lopsided gender ratios of any religion: 44 percent men and 56 percent women. You can’t argue with the gender gap — that’s what the data is. The question is why such a disproportional gender…

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