While cleaning out the highlighted posts in my overstuffed Google Reader, I came across “Two Streams of Evangelicalism in the 21st Century” at The Scriptorium. It reviews the emergence of a post-conservative brand of Evangelicalism that tries to find a middle ground between traditional conservative Evangelicals and liberal mainstream Protestants. Reference is made to Roger…

At the Lynn v. Sekulow blog, “Anti-Mormon Sentiment At Focus on the Family?” The Rev. Barry Lynn takes the Focus on the Family site to task for marginalizing a posted interview with Glenn Beck once its readers realized that Beck was (sit down for this one) … Mormon! I suppose in an Evangelical utopia Mormons…

From Mild-Mannered Musings, “Mormons Give More,” summarizing a Christianity Today article that reports on the findings of three sociologists regarding charitable giving by denomination. The top three groups were Mormons, Pentecostals, and “other Protestants,” a category which appears to include Evangelicals whose congregations have no clear denominational affiliation. Trailing the pack were mainline denominations, and…

At the Salt Lake Tribune, “Focus pulls interview over Beck’s Mormon faith.” What a fine exhibition of the Christmas spirit of togetherness, tolerance, and good will. What was pulled was an interview with Beck about his recent book, The Christmas Sweater. It seems Focus on the Family readers were not adequately warned that Beck is…

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