That question has been getting more consideration recently, with the general consensus being, “No, at least not yet.” By Common Consent is posting an academic piece by scholar Walter E. A. van Beek that helps understand the question. He uses the examples of Islam and Roman Catholicism to highlight diversity within the religion as a…

From a Washington Times article “Marriage as a Mormon value” According to [the] Pew [Forum], Mormons have one of the most lopsided gender ratios of any religion: 44 percent men and 56 percent women. You can’t argue with the gender gap — that’s what the data is. The question is why such a disproportional gender…

Last week I posted on the latest Pew Forum survey, arguing that the prevalent media summary of the survey — that many people are drifting from faith to unbelief — was misreading the data. Today there’s an op-ed piece in the New York Times, “Defecting to Faith,” suggesting the Pew Forum data show that most…

At the Salt Lake Tribune: “Deseret Book demotes Twilight.” “Demote” means that neither Twilight nor the other volumes in the megaselling series by LDS author Stephanie Meyer are now available at Deseret Book stores or even at their online site. Here’s the inane company statement provided in respose to questions about the move: Like any…

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