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Mormon Inquiry
Mormon Inquiry
Radical Evangelicals?
Dave Banack
While cleaning out the highlighted posts in my overstuffed Google Reader, I came across “Two Streams of Evangelicalism in the 21st Century” at The Scriptorium. It reviews the emergence of a post-conservative brand of Evangelicalism that tries to find a middle ground between traditional conservative Evangelicals and liberal mainstream Protestants. Reference is made to Roger…
What if the Mormons are right? An alternative view of baptisms for the dead
Dave Banack
A pleasantly entertaining op-ed piece from the Belfast Telegraph: “What if Mormons are right and Catholics and Protestants are wrong?” Not only does the writer cover in short order the ancient Christian tradition of baptism for the dead and why its practice by modern Latter-day Saints shouldn’t really bother anyone … hey, it’s just fun…
Free speech or threat to public safety?
Dave Banack
Driving around town late last week, I heard a spirited BBC discussion (carried by my local NPR station) about Geert Wilders, a member of the Dutch parlaiment who produced a film suggesting the Koran incites violence. Get Religion posted on the story last week. Wilder was entering England at the invitation of the House of…
Additional Prop 8 disclosure info
Dave Banack
Here is a follow-up to my earlier post on this topic. The LDS Newsroom put up a second post regarding financial disclosures in connection with in-kind contributions to the Yes on 8 campaign by the LDS Church (as opposed to voluntary contributions by individual Mormons): “Media Reports on Proposition 8 Filing Uninformed.” The post includes…
Mormon scripture
Dave Banack
This is the long overdue second post on Craig Blomberg and Stephen Robinson’s How Wide the Divide: A Mormon & an Evangelical in Conversation. [See the first post.] This post talks about the Mormon view of scripture, with reference to the Book of Mormon and the Doctrine and Covenants, volumes of scripture that, along with the…
“Jesus and I Broke Up”
Dave Banack
If you’re the type who’s not really that into Jesus anymore, go read the clever little essay by Owen Egerton, “Jesus and I Broke Up,” reposted here. [Hat tip: comment #3 at this Mormon Matters post.] In fact, go read it even if you are really into Jesus and one of his denominations. Here’s one…
A reporter’s account of an LDS Sunday service
Dave Banack
It is always helpful to try and see yourself through someone else’s eyes. So it’s worthwhile to read a British journalist’s account of attending an LDS Sunday meeting (a monthly testimony meeting, not the usual weekly sacrament meeting) at the Hyde Park Ward in London. It appears to be one in a series of similar…
Is there a future for theocons?
Dave Banack
I recently read Damon Linker’s The Theocons: Secular America Under Seige, a book that chronicles the author’s view of the rising influence of the religious right in politics. I suppose I’m late to the party, but it’s still an informative and worthwhile read. In the arc described in the book, the election and presidency of…
A Christian look at Intelligent Design
Dave Banack
I was clearing out highlighted posts from my too-full Google reader (does anyone else have this problem?) and came across a series of posts on ID at Tough Questions Answered: A Christian Apologetics Blog. The two fellows who run the site (one of whom was formerly LDS) obviously disagree with Mormonism when it comes up,…
More on Obama’s faith-based initiatives
Dave Banack
Following up on my earlier post, see this fine post at First Things: “Obama and the Faith-Based Initiative.” The post is a short but informative review of what Pres. Obama is likely to do with his new Council on Faith-Based and Community Partnerships. The short answer: nothing for the first hundred days (there is more…
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