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Mormon Inquiry
Mormon Inquiry
About Mr. Darwin
Dave Banack
At Christianity Today (which bills itself as “a magazine of Evangelical conviction”), “The Evolution of Darwin,” by none other than Dinesh D’Souza. The main point of the short article is that Darwin, the patron saint of the New Atheists, was at best a conflicted agnostic who, unlike the New Atheists, “did not boast about his…
Tom Hanks, take two
Dave Banack
Tom Hanks has modified his recent statement that Mormons are un-American for supporting Proposition 8 (see “Big Love producer sounds off on Prop 8“). Through a publicist, Hanks released a statement to People Magazine (is this the magazine of record for Hollywood types?) as follows:
Christian Apologetics
Dave Banack
Since I’m on the subject of apologetics (see my prior post), here’s a link to a post summarizing a recent book of Christian apologetics, J. P. Moreland’s The God Question: An Invitation to a Life of Meaning. The book is an attempt to respond to anti-Christian arguments of the New Atheists and is directed to…
Translation and Apologetics
Dave Banack
There is a lot of Mormon apologetics out there, perhaps because there is a lot of Mormon criticism. It has gotten better over the years, but one still sees both good apologetics and bad apologetics. A post from a few weeks ago at Faith-Promoting Rumor that points up one difference between the good and bad…
Mormons and Restorationists
Dave Banack
This is the second post drawing on E. Brooks Holifield’s Theology in America: Christian thought from the age of the Puritans to the Civil War (see first post here). The broad themes Holifield draws from American religion in the 19th century — a continuing quest for reasonableness and rationality, avoidance of theological “speculation,” and appeals…
The White House Blog
Dave Banack
Maybe there was a Bush edition and I just missed it, but the Obama White House has a blog — and it is going to use it. One of the first entries, time-stamped at 12:01 p.m., just seconds after Pres. Obama officially took office, proclaims that “Change has come to” The post gives a…
History is Your story
Dave Banack
Rick Warren offered a suitably moving if rather informal invocation at today’s Inauguration, using appropriately nondenominational language. Or at least he touched all the bases: God was referenced as “the Father” and as one “compassionate and merciful”; Jesus was referenced by several names. Toward the end, Warren recited the Lord’s Prayer in close paraphrase. Hopefully…
Quakers, Shakers, and Mormons
Dave Banack
One approach to understanding early Mormonism and its doctrines is to compare it with other denominations of the same period. In E. Brooks Holifield’s book Theology in America, Mormonism is covered in Chapter 16, “The Immediacy of Revelation,” which also discusses two other movements that claimed new revelation as the basis for their theological innovations.
Early Mormon history, in pictures
Dave Banack
A marvelous set of maps is posted at By Common Consent. This is a fine resource for those reading through the Doctrine and Covenants this year.
Big Love producer sounds off on Prop 8
Dave Banack
And that producer is none other than Tom Hanks. Here’s Hanks, as quoted by Fox News: The truth is this [show] takes place in Utah, the truth is these people are some bizarre offshoot of the Mormon Church, and the truth is a lot of Mormons gave a lot of money to the church to…
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