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Mormon Inquiry
Mormon Inquiry
Writing tips for the unreflective blogger
Dave Banack
At the Red Brick Store, “So You Want to Get Published? A Few Writing Tips,” a compact list of useful pointers for writers. Yes, if you are a blogger, you are a writer. It’s the bottom of the barrel, self-edited and self-published, but if you are going to blog, you might as well learn to…
Poetic Animal Magnetism
Dave Banack
At Hieing to Kolob, “Why I Would Totally Have Slept With Joseph Smith.” Just about anything gets Mormon feminists upset, but not much makes them uncomfortable. This post will. I suppose it will make almost any Mormon reader squirm a little. Good writing often has this effect on people.
Mad at the LDS Church
Dave Banack
No time for commentary this morning, but here are more Prop 8 stories from across the full range of the opinion spectrum: “Why we’re mad at the Mormon church,” by an LA Times columnist. I believe the “we” in the headline refers to the gay community, not the LA Times. The piece defends gay attacks…
Culture and tradition
Dave Banack
From the newish blog The Liberal Mormon That Could, run by an “irreverent twenty-something wannabe writer,” a post titled “Wading Through Cultural Waters,” with reflections on the following question: What is the difference between culture, tradition and doctrine?
Your crunchy quotient
Dave Banack
I stumbled across Crunchy Cons: How Birkenstocked Burkeans, gun-loving organic gardeners, evangelical free-range farmers, hip homeschooling mamas, right-wing natrue lovers, and their diverse tribe of countercultural conservatives plan to save America (or at least the Republican Party) at the local library a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t resist. Any book with a subtitle that…
Some Prop 8 answers
Dave Banack
In an effort to improve the signal-to-noise ratio in the Prop 8 comment threads, here is a link to comments by a California law prof posted shortly after the election. A couple of key paragraphs: Note that Prop 8 does not affect registered domestic partnerships. It also does not affect antidiscrimination laws (Unruh) which prohibit…
Books for under the tree
Dave Banack
Here are links to three recent discussions of LDS books that might make it under your Christmas tree this year, either in the traditional manner (you buy it for a loved one) or the modern guaranteed-to-get-it-right style (you buy it, hand it to a loved one, and say “this would make a great present to…
Are Mormons the victims?
Dave Banack
At the LA Times, of all places: “Are Mormons the victims in the Prop 8 fight?” I’m not sure I agree with the framing of the story — it seems to imply that every story, even a political story, must have a victim, with the media’s job being to correctly identify the victim for us,…
A short tour of LDS blogs
Dave Banack
Latter-day Commentary provides a short tour of about twenty LDS blogs, emphasizing solo blogs and newsy sites. There were several blogs mentioned in the post that were new to me.
A quick look at Making Sense of the D&C
Dave Banack
Making Sense of the Doctrine & Covenants: A Guided Tour Through Modern Revelations by Steven C. Harper has just been published by Deseret Book, just in time for the 2009 course of study in LDS adult Sunday School. I haven’t read it through yet, but I did run some benchmarks on it (see below) to see…
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